Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Holy Crap, It's Been Nearly 3 Years!

So I'm not 100% why I'm going to start blogging again. Pretty much the whole idea was to let Matt and Mick know what was up, but now that I'm in Edmonton, seems kinda pointless. Anyways, with that being said, here is a small list of what I want these blogs NOT to be:

1) Another Maddox blog where all I do is bitch about things I see. There are enough of these around and I can't stand them anymore.

2) A preachy blog about how I'm so enlightened on the ways of the world because of my knowledge of politics, conspiracies, or the economy. Besides not being able to stand these types of rants, I have no knowledge of those three things.

3) A boring journal about how I'm discovering my true self. I don't think I need to explain why I won't be doing one of these.

With all that being said, I will try to keep this as similar to the old ones as possible. I'll pretty much just let you know what's happening with me, and may throw in a few movie recommendations and drink recipes.

So I have an interview at Hudson's Bar tomorrow. I'm hoping to get a job in the kitchen because I miss working in a kitchen and I would also like to have some extra cash as it seems the student loan isn't gonna stretch much longer. Another plus to having a job is I won't have to be around this god forsaken dump all the time.

Haven't watch much in the way of new movies lately. I did see the 4th Indiana Jones film a month ago. I thought it fit pretty well into the series. A lot of people gave it slack for having aliens in it but come on, look at the other films. The first film was about the Ark of the Covenant, the second was about some sort of voodoo stones, and the third about the cup of Christ. To me, aliens is a hell of a lot more realistic than this crap. It was pretty much the same as the old ones, except Harrison Ford is old as hell. If you liked the old ones and hated this, you're probably just one of those fuckers who bitch and moan about how new sequels of old movies ruin them. Grow the fuck up and watch the film, it's good.

New music is also pretty hard to come by, but I did pick up the new Guns N' Roses album. For those of you who are not up to date on the whole GN'R fiasco, let me recap. The last album of original work to come from these guys was 91's Use Your Illusion series. Since then they've released a cover album and greatest hits. Somewhere in the late 90's, the entire band, save for the singer, Axl Rose, quit. Since about 99, Axl has been talking of a new album and has had about a million people join and leave his band. Finally, Chinese Democracy came out last November. Now you'll hear millions of people say this album is crap because it doesn't have the original members in it. They'll claim that the rest of the band is needed to write good songs and that was the reason for their past success. However, Axl proves that he is the real talent because this album is extremely solid, if not great. I has a very industrial sound to the guitars and Axl's vocal style reaches about every range he can do. Long story short, it's only $15 in stores, and well worth it. Now let's look at what the other members of GN'R have done since the breakup. The rest of them formed Velvet Revolver with Scott Weiland... I think this speaks for itself on how much writing talent the rest of the band had.

Finally, I received the sad news that my favourite author, Michael Crichton passed away. He is known for many novels which include Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Sphere, Congo, Rising Sun, and Eaters of the Dead. All of these were popular as films as well. He is also known for writing the script to the series ER. I am in the process of reading his last novel, Next. Hopefully most of you have enjoyed his work in some form or the other because he is truely gifted.

Ok, I know that's fucking long, but hopefully I can trim off some of the useless shit next time and give you guys the short read that you attention span requires. I'll leave you with a recepie of a martini I learned recently.

Chambord Martini

1.5 oz Vodka
1.5 oz Chambord
1.5 oz Pineapple Juice

**Shake ingredients on ice and strain into a martini glass**

Monday, August 07, 2006

I've noticed a very disturbing trend in society nowadays. It seems that somewhere in the last 5 years, men have become 10x more emotional that women. They whine more, they have more mood swings, they hold grudges. Men have become women. Men now spend more time getting ready to go out than women. Whatever happened to throwing on jeans and a t-shirt to go to the bar? We now have to do our hair, make sure our clothes coordinate with our eye liner and nail polish. I blame this phenomenon entirely on the "emo" scene. It is now ok for guys to express themselves and convey they're emotions. I hate this bullshit. WE DON'T HAVE EMOTIONS! Guys need to go back to listening to Metallica and ACDC and throw out all that Fallout Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Taking Back Sunday bullshit we've been pumping into our brains.
Ok Mick, Pete, this cocaine bullshit is getting tiring. I am not addicted to coke, nor will I ever be. End of discussion. Now stop clogging up my comment box with bullshit.
I am broke as fuck. I was supposed to start the new job back on the 1st, but apparently some shipments were delayed and we can't open till the 8th. I will just barely cover Septembers rent if this keeps up. I haven't even been drinking at all. But I also haven't worked now in like 10 days. This is also gonna put a damper on any days off I may want to book. Fuck, why can't we just go back to fending for our selves. Here's a quote out of a novel I'm reading that I whole-heartedly agree with.

"Thirty thousand years ago, when men were doing cave painting at Lascaux, they worked twenty hours a week to provide themselves with food and shelter and clothing. The rest of the time, they could play, or sleep, or do whatever they wanted. And they lived in a natural world, with clean air, clean water, beautiful trees and sunsets"

Friday, July 14, 2006


Well, handed in my two weeks notice today. Our old head chef Jay called me from the new restaurants he's running and offered me a job, which I took. There are too many reasons to count that I left Hugo's, but just to contradict myself, here's that list:

A) Money, I'll be making the same amount as I am now, but I'll be getting more hours and the tip should be better.

B) I'd probably be let go within the next few months anyways because our new chef was bringing in some other chefs to work with him and there just wouldn't be any room for the old line cooks.

C) Lots of the people I enjoyed working with have switched to this restaurant I'll be working at, so this way I'll be working with people I know.

D) I don't get along well with some of the new staff that Hugo's has acquired in the past few months.

E) One of the reasons I was staying was to stay on good terms with Melissa. Now that she has mentioned she's also quitting, there's no real reason to stay.

Ok, so you could count them all. The new place is where the Old Baily's used to be. It'll be call Smith's now, and I think it's smaller than Hugo's. I went in there before they did renovations and it seemed like a neat place to hang out, so hopefully working there will be neat. I hope to start in just over two weeks, when the restaurant opens.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Holy no post batman!

Well, I haven't posted because there's nothing really to post about. I'm still living with Melissa, the chef at my work up near Mayfair Mall in Vic. Haven't done alot lately, mostly worrying about the future of my job and drinking. We got tips ($50) last night and that lasted about 1hr at the bar. I've been mostly working these days. I may go check out FolkFest over near the harbour tomorrow after work. Haven't really been in touch with my 934 friends, should prolly do that. But, it's an amazingly nice day out right now, and I'll prolly go get dinner and ice cream right about now.

In the CD player today...

1. Loreena McKennit - Parallel Dreams

2. Red Hot Chilipeppers - Stadium Arcadium (Disc 2 - Mars)

3. Godsmack - Godsmack

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

"i dont blog any more im not using technolgy ever again." - Peter Janz

You guys may have noticed this comment on my last blog. I cannot begin to describe the things wrong with this. Ok, if you plan never to use technology again... how the fuck did you make this comment?? What the hell's with the whole never using technology again. I guess I won't have to worry about you reading this because you'll never use a fucking computer again. I guess we can not expect any calls from you because you'll never use a fucking phone again. EVERYTHING is somehow technology. People use technoloy everyday, it cannot be helped. I don't even wanna hear the bullshit story about how society has become too dependant on technology, because I know that's what you're thinking. I cna't believe I wasted time blogging about this.
The move went ok, I'm in our new apartment now. Aparently the dishwasher at work is kinda creeping people out with his website. It's an online journal and he writes about staff members all the time. I guess that's pretty much what I do too. Anyways, work is going ok. Getting lots of hours. Taking the bus has become an everydya thing because I live a ways from work and am lazy as fuck. Watched the remake of The Omen. It was pretty good, I just gotta see the original now. Anyways, the condo won't clean itself, so see ya'll later.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Well, finally home from Mexico. The trip went great. The three of us spent the majority of the time drinking it up with a family of British people we met there. The Huston airport is freakin humungeous, which sucked because we had 1.5 hrs to catch our plane back to Calgary and had to run from terminal to terminal. They sure love their tequila down there. When you ask for one shot, they give you half a wine glass full. It was awesome, best trip I've ever been on. Besides the minor problems like Kelsey and I getting deathly ill for 2 days and Kelsey getting stung by a jellyfish. Met lots of cool people down in Huatulco (pronounced "wah-too-ko").
Had some good new when I checked in at work yesterday, I'll never have to wash dishes again (ideally). There's been so many staff changes lately that I got bumped up to line cook. Damn government hasn't got me my income tax back yet. Visited the family a bit on my way home. They are doing ok. Hope Peter is doing well on his trip. I dunno what I think about his decision to hitch-hike, but it's his walk, not mine.
Finally have a place now!! YAY!! Mo e-mailed me while I was away and said we have a place up near Mayfair mall which is awesome. It's a little ways to walk, but no longer than when I had to walk to work in S-more. Well, I have a massive list of crap to do today. If anyone wants to know more about Mexico, e-mail me.

"Live the fuckin dream!!!" Goodtime Glen

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

So, a whole new set of things to stress over!! 1st) Melissa and I are getting nowhere as far as finding a place goes. She wants to look on Friday or Saturday. I hoped to be using those days as cleaning days, which bring me to 2nd) This house is an utter mess. I really need to start packing away everything and getting rid of any crap I may have. But I work most of the days until the trip and it looks like one of my two days off will be spent taking a course because 3rd) is that I don't have this Food certificate you need to work in a restaurant and if I don't get it on Friday I will be most likely out of a job when I come back from Mexico.

anyways, besides spazzing out over everything, I've been doing fairly well. Parents came out to visit, as I already noted. It was ok, but I can only put up with small doses of my family at a time. Too many little arguments. Bought my greyhound ticket the other day. Another thing to check off my list. I'm in the process of trying to roll all my pennies. This is more of a chore than it sounds like because I've been saving up all my pennies for the last 3 years. I'm probably gonna do something different with my hair when I go out to Calgary. I'm leaning towards dying it black, thinning it, and trimming it a bit so it doesn't look so bad. If anyone has any suggestions, tell me. So lately I've had an obsession with hot wax. Not like sticking my fingers in a candle and peeling it off type thing, but like pouring it on my stomach and chest type thing. I don't really know why. Maybe it's because I have like 10 candles and no real use for them. And no, I don't use a ball gag when I do any of this. Although...

Peter will be packing up his computer soon so my internet time will be cut down. We are also disconnecting the phone soon, so if anyone tries to call me, use my cell. Or e-mail me, because I'll be checking my e-mail everyday at the library.