Friday, July 14, 2006


Well, handed in my two weeks notice today. Our old head chef Jay called me from the new restaurants he's running and offered me a job, which I took. There are too many reasons to count that I left Hugo's, but just to contradict myself, here's that list:

A) Money, I'll be making the same amount as I am now, but I'll be getting more hours and the tip should be better.

B) I'd probably be let go within the next few months anyways because our new chef was bringing in some other chefs to work with him and there just wouldn't be any room for the old line cooks.

C) Lots of the people I enjoyed working with have switched to this restaurant I'll be working at, so this way I'll be working with people I know.

D) I don't get along well with some of the new staff that Hugo's has acquired in the past few months.

E) One of the reasons I was staying was to stay on good terms with Melissa. Now that she has mentioned she's also quitting, there's no real reason to stay.

Ok, so you could count them all. The new place is where the Old Baily's used to be. It'll be call Smith's now, and I think it's smaller than Hugo's. I went in there before they did renovations and it seemed like a neat place to hang out, so hopefully working there will be neat. I hope to start in just over two weeks, when the restaurant opens.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Holy no post batman!

Well, I haven't posted because there's nothing really to post about. I'm still living with Melissa, the chef at my work up near Mayfair Mall in Vic. Haven't done alot lately, mostly worrying about the future of my job and drinking. We got tips ($50) last night and that lasted about 1hr at the bar. I've been mostly working these days. I may go check out FolkFest over near the harbour tomorrow after work. Haven't really been in touch with my 934 friends, should prolly do that. But, it's an amazingly nice day out right now, and I'll prolly go get dinner and ice cream right about now.

In the CD player today...

1. Loreena McKennit - Parallel Dreams

2. Red Hot Chilipeppers - Stadium Arcadium (Disc 2 - Mars)

3. Godsmack - Godsmack